December 2016

Review: "Pale Rider" a novelisation of the film

Alan Dean Foster is an author whose work I have read and owned since I was a teenager. In the mid-1970s I saved up and bought one of the books of the animated Star Trek series that Mr Foster had written. When I bought the book of Star Wars just after the film came out, ostensibly it was by George Lucas but it turns out that Mr Foster ghost wrote

2016: Personal lessons learned

2016 in summary 2016 has been a shocker for me. It started off when my workplace decided to restructure and my position was among those that vanished. So I left at the end of January only be told three working days later that I needed an eye operation to stop me losing my sight. The best (sarcasm) thing about that was that it would take around 12 to 18 months

Suicide Squad - I really enjoyed it   #SuicideSquad #DCMovies

NOTE: I intend to avoid spoilers as best I can, but will talk in generalities that may (or may not) hint at things. So read on at your own peril. Truth be told, I found little entertainment in the first two films of the DC Extended Universe. I will probably get some hate for expressing that. Thing is, the original comics and the animated series and movies were just so

My growing appreciation of Roger Cross (@theRogerCross , #DarkMatter #Continuum)

OK – I know it’s probably daggy (is this word used outside of Australia) to tag the subject of my blog post in the heading so that it will appear on his Twitter feed, but what the heck. I am only just learning all this Twitter stuff (WordPress and Instagram are my normal scenes). Thing is, I am really starting to enjoy seeing Roger Cross in television series and I am happy

SyFy have released a great video about The Expanse television series #TheExpanse

The video’s description is “Adam Savage (of Mythbusters!) takes you behind the scenes of The Expanse and gives you a look into Season 2!” Well, Adam Savage is in it, but the video is so much more. OK, in some ways it is a 20 minute commercial for the series. By this I mean that it has sound bites from various actors, directors, scientists and fans. It also jumps quickly

Today I deliberately deleted several chapters of my novel

It was painful, but I finally listened to advice provided by many writers upon writing – I deleted several chapters of my novel. Well, technically I just cut and paste them into another document, but it still hurt. The problem was not that the chapters were no good. I actually felt that they were fine. It’s just that they did not take my characters on the journey that I finally

Book review: "The Abominable" by Dan Simmons

I first stumbled across Dan Simmons’ writing around 1990. The book was a science fiction delight called “Hyperion”. It was a science fiction epic, a Canterbury Tales for space and time travel. Since then I have frequently indulged myself in his novels. As an author he leans towards the fantastic, whether it be in science fiction or horror.