
Creating an Art Nouveau Door in Blender

In 2017, I decided to build an art nouveau door using Blender. I felt that this would be a significant challenge for my skills as they were then. This post is how I went about that. It is not so much a tutorial as a record of my efforts. Step 1: Inspiration and initial design I like to start by finding something upon which to model my thoughts. In this

Space Scene in Blender – 2017

Goals At the time of making this image in Blender, I was still struggling with space scenes and was determined to improve. I also set myself the very ambitious goal of trying to emulate one of my artistic heroes, Chris Foss, whose works cover so many science fiction books from the 1970s and 1980s.  Foss’s spaceships were marvelously shaped, often like giant insects. He also used bright colours with stripes

A quick catch up on the past few weeks #SeekingWork #EuroPCR

As some of you may be aware, I’ve been unemployed since January 2016: the result of an unexpected downsizing and an equally unexpected eye-operation for my Keratoconus. In respect to the Keratoconus, I saw my eye specialist a week ago and he reckons I’m as good as it will now get, and so I don’t need to see him for another year. Yippee! Albeit, I still have fifty stitches in

Effective tutorials for Blender?

One of my good friends, Earthbalm, asked me whether I could recommend any effective tutorials for learning Blender. This is my reply. I’ve been trying to learn blender for years. I’ve watched hundreds and hundreds of tutorials. And yet here I am, still very much the noob, stumbling along as best as I can. Wait! Before you say something along the lines of “Come off it. Look at the x-ray

My friend 1337's exhibition and my own artistic struggles

1337 Let me take you back to the year 2000. It was late at night and I sat alone bathing in the soft light of my computer monitor. Death played on the screen in the form of HalfLife Deathmatch – a first person shooter game. I was SoulThief and that game was my escape from the world. Among my online friends was a player named FrankBooth. For the uninitiated let