
Steampunk experiments with Artificial Intelligence art generators

Generative AI is artificial intelligence that generates something like text or art. I have had an interest in artificial intelligence since studying several AI subjects as part of my BSc(Computing) back in the 1990s. However, nothing much came of it back then. Advances in recent years have astonished me and I have been doing my best to keep up. When ChatGPT was released around early December 2022 I jumped on

Review: LinkedInLearning short course "Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Decision Trees"

This is the second Machine Learning course that I have attempted, and the first through LinkedIn Learning. I must admit that I have yet to write a review on the first course because I am unsure as to whether I took away any deep understanding of what it was trying to teach. One day I will explore why. This course, however, proved a lot better. A little background rambling first.

How I redesigned my web page

Are you like me? Have yourself a WordPress web site, seen some fancy theme, got it and still your site looks a lot less beautiful and functional than the theme promo says it should. Why? Why? Why? Well, we all know the answer: some whiz designer has weaved their magic making the theme do just what they want. But we are not fancy designers ourselves and so… yeah… average. Or

Restoring the WordPress Database - my journey #WordPress

This is a technical post. So a big sorry to those of you who like my reviews, travel posts or art posts. This post is born of the pain of a crashed site. There were actually multiple issues, but I will address each in it’s own post so that anyone searching for individual answers can find them without having to scroll through heaps of unrelated stuff.