Writing (General)

Author David Lee Summers interviewed by TG Geeks

I must admit that I spend a lot of my travel time (home -> work -> home) listening to interviews, podcasts and panel discussions on the topic of writing and writers. Often the same ones over and over in case I can learn something new. The Coronavirus has put a short halt to this as it only takes me about three seconds to travel from my bedroom to my new

Interviewed in #MidnightEcho

Hi all, just a quick one. I was interviewed in Midnight Echo along with a bunch of other #horror authors and artists. It’s really only just one question about my inspiration, but I tried to make the most of it. The interview can be found here: Midnight Echo 14 inspiration interviews – part 2 It’s nice to have a little bit of success. I’ve had a few rejections for some of

Review: Authors Publish - a useful resource for writers    #AuthorsPublish

As a struggling author one of my common Google searches is “Call for submissions fiction.” Now my my future novel has turned into an epic series (when will I ever finish just one of these books?!), I find myself writing little pieces just so I know that I can actually finish something. The good news is that I am getting nibbles in respect to these short stories and that is

My writing goals for this week

On Monday I listed my writing goals as: finish reviewing and editing my short story “Restored” Identify possible buyers for my short story Identify next most viable short story idea I have now finished reviewing “Restored”. My wife, upon reading it, felt that I needed to give some clear indications of what transpired in the story. This is because my chief character changes bodies three times within the story without

Finished first draft of "Night Terrors" renamed "Restored"

One of the tasks that I set myself for this week was finishing the first draft of my short story called “Night Terrors”. The good news is that I succeeded, but not as I quite expected. Okay, let me explain, and note that there will be spoilers should you ever choose to read this tale. My initial notion for this tale was a horror story where a woman wakes during

Submitted a new short story to Lamplight Magazine  @lamplightmagazine

Possessed of a writing frenzy, my second short story in as many weeks has been sent off. I have sent it to Lamplight Magazine. As with last week’s short story, it’s now just a matter of waiting to see whether they accept it. My biggest concern about my story is that it is not speculative fiction, but rather a dark reflection of current society. Here is their call for submissions