
Author David Lee Summers interviewed by TG Geeks

I must admit that I spend a lot of my travel time (home -> work -> home) listening to interviews, podcasts and panel discussions on the topic of writing and writers. Often the same ones over and over in case I can learn something new. The Coronavirus has put a short halt to this as it only takes me about three seconds to travel from my bedroom to my new

Book Review: The Astronomer's Crypt by David Lee Summers

NOTE: David Lee Summers, author of this book, is a blogging and Facebook friend of mine. This said, the following review is an objective one, warts and all. David has, as always, packed an awful lot of ideas, information and tropes in his horror novel The Astronomer’s Crypt. Love it! The basic premise revolves around the trope of stolen Native American artifact with supernatural qualities and the havoc that ensues.

Interviewed in #MidnightEcho

Hi all, just a quick one. I was interviewed in Midnight Echo along with a bunch of other #horror authors and artists. It’s really only just one question about my inspiration, but I tried to make the most of it. The interview can be found here: Midnight Echo 14 inspiration interviews – part 2 It’s nice to have a little bit of success. I’ve had a few rejections for some of

Review: Vampires of the Scarlet Order by David Lee Summers

Disclaimer: David (the author of the novel) and I interact in a friendly manner online. This said, my review is entirely objective. Key take-aways It reads like a Louis L’Amour novel crossed with Anne Rice novel (with some X-Files thrown in) Initially feels like a series of connected short stories but transforms into a fast-paced action story I enjoyed reading it Blurb on Amazon Vampires of the Scarlet Order is

Finished first draft of "Night Terrors" renamed "Restored"

One of the tasks that I set myself for this week was finishing the first draft of my short story called “Night Terrors”. The good news is that I succeeded, but not as I quite expected. Okay, let me explain, and note that there will be spoilers should you ever choose to read this tale. My initial notion for this tale was a horror story where a woman wakes during