Test rendering the hair opacity map in #Blender

Test rendering the hair opacity map in #Blender

Hi folks,

the purpose of today’s post is to document my testing of the hair opacity map that I created in my last post. I am doing so in Blender cycles and I will be assigning the hair texture and the opacity map to a bezier curve.

Huh! A Bezier curve!

Yep. At the end of my post, I shall place a link to a great Youtube tutorial called “How to Model Cartoon-Style Hair in Blender | Bezier Curves.” By adding the opacity map to the curve I hope to “de-cartoon” the hair.

So here is the 3D Bezier curve that I created using the aforementioned tutorial.

So I intend to add the following two textures to this to create transparency.

NOTE: At this point, I realised that I had the directions of my textures wrong in relation to the curve and hard to rotate both clockwise 90 degrees.

So I made sure that I was in cycles, clicked on materials, and opened the node editor. Here is my configuration.

The top texture item is the hair and the bottom texture item is the opacity map. The Overlay node places the opacity map over top of the hair map and you end up with this in the Diffuse BSDF.

The combination of the Add Shader node and the Transparency node then turn the black colouring